Bringing a New Dental Practice Management Tool to Market

How Ravel identified and enriched a list of dentist practices in a target geography that utilized legacy software competitors.
Offices Enriched
New Customers
URLs crawled


The Dental App is a new tool designed to streamline every nuanced aspect of dental practice management, from patient care to administrative work, conceived and executed by a Dentist tired of battling legacy solutions.

The platform embodies a holistic approach to dental operations, providing a comprehensive toolset that eliminates the need to juggle multiple platforms, ensuring every step from treatment planning to claims management is seamless, insightful, and above all, efficient.

The Dental App engaged Ravel to assist in its initial go-to-market campaign in the Indianapolis market.

“Ravel's insights were pivotal in The Dental App’s successful market entry in Indianapolis. Their detailed data enabled our team to approach sales conversations with confidence and specificity."

Loir Tamir
Dentist & Founder

The Problem

In order to execute a precisely targeted marketing campaign, The Dental App faced the dual challenge of not only pinpointing every dental office in the region but also comprehensively assessing their entire technology infrastructure, including lesser-known dental practice management solutions. This critical data would serve as the foundation for tailoring their value propositions in each sales interaction.


  • Identifying dentist offices in the greater Indianapolis region
  • Uncovering dental practice management tools used by target offices
  • Quick turnaround of data to meet launch dead

The Solution

Ravel used proprietary web-crawling algorithms to scan the websites of Vanco's customers, identifying the presence of competitors as well as Vanco's products. Customer Success was able to spin up campaigns to re-engage customers that had fallen off and defend against incoming competitors, gaining exclusivity.

Key Outcomes

  • Successful market entry and acquisition of their first group of customers in Indianapolis
  • Validation of the market's receptiveness to The Dental App's solutions, laying the foundation for nationwide expansion

As The Dental App prepared for its initial launch in the Indianapolis market, it faced some formidable challenges. The foremost among them was the need to gain insights into the tech stack of the 600+ dentist offices in the region, including lesser-known dental practice management solutions. This data was crucial for tailoring value propositions in sales conversations.

Manual data collection posed substantial challenges for The Dental App due to the sheer volume and complexity of information required. Additionally, the lack of readily available data providers specializing in the unique landscape of dental practices proved difficult.

Ravel's distinctive ability to delve deep into this niche market set them apart. Their efforts resulted in the discovery of over 125 dental-specific products, including industry giants like Open Dental, Dentrix, and Eaglesoft. Additionally, Ravel found more than 1,000 other software tools related to scheduling, marketing, and various web-based functions, providing a comprehensive account intelligence that was previously very difficult to come by.

The impact of Ravel's data-driven insights was profound. The Dental App's sales team was now equipped with accurate and targeted data, allowing them to approach sales conversations with confidence. Armed with a robust value proposition and compelling replacement offers for incumbent software and disparate tools, The Dental App entered the market strategically. The alignment of The Dental App's comprehensive capabilities with the specific needs and existing gaps in potential client practices became the foundation of their sales conversations.

This precise approach not only secured their first group of customers and validated the market but also set the stage for future campaigns and sustained growth, reshaping the dental software landscape with data-driven strategies.

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